Making The Best Possible Deal When Renewing Your Lease
What will make your landlord give you the best deal possible when renewing your lease? The best possible deal will be obtained when you can demonstrate to your landlord that you are ready to move. The Landlord’s Prospective Put yourself, for a moment, in your landlord’s shoes. ...
Choosing a Commercial Real Estate Broker
How do you choose a commercial real estate broker? This is how we choose a real estate agent when an assignment takes us out of our home base of Long Island. In that case, we often need the expertise of a local agent to assist us with properties, zoning, economic development...
How long is a lease?
What is the optimum term for a commercial lease from the tenant’s point of view? A good question, but there is no “one-size fits all” answer on this one. The tenant’s objectives play heavily into a decision on lease term. Let’s talk about some of the trade-offs involved in the...
Image isn’t everything, but it sure is helpful when it comes to leasing or selling your building!
I am always amazed at the number of landlords or sellers who market their property while it remains in an either unappealing or deplorable condition. Yes, there are some buyers and tenants who have the vision to see past the poor physical condition of property, but the vast majority cannot. There...
Signs the recession may be ending…
I have always taken “leading economic indicators” with a grain of salt. But there are signs out there that the logjam is finally breaking up. A barometer that I have used for years is, “How often are our properties being shown by the entire brokerage community?” Showings are at a three-year high...
Keeping Heating Costs Down
Winter is knocking at our door!. Are you wondering what you can do to help keep those heating cost down? Here are some suggestions: Make sure your windows and doors are properly sealed. They may need re-caulking. They may even need to be replaced. Check to see if the rubber slides at the bottom of...
Overall Vacancy Rate in the Nassau-Suffolk Marketplace
The third-quarter CoStar report shows an overall vacancy rate of 5.9% in the Nassau-Suffolk marketplace. This compares very favorably with an average national rate of approximately 10%. Not surprisingly, with its huge pool of industrial buildings, the swings on Long Island are moderated as well....